Practical and Helpful Tips: Logs

How to Choose the Best Log Splitter

If you are considering purchasing a log splitter, you need to understand your needs so that you select the most appropriate machine for you. The following factors should be put into consideration when you are buying your log splitter.

The size of the log is an important aspect to consider when purchasing a splitter. For instance, if you will be splitting large woods on a daily basis, you require a heavy duty log splitter. Also, there are different models that are made for home use and others for industrial use.

Similarly, look at the length and the diameter that the machine can handle, and choose one that has the right splitting range. Various models have different lengths but a good machine will be able to split a log with a length of 20 inches and 12 inches in diameter. What’s more, high powered splitters can be able to work with higher and wider logs.

Log splitters come in various models and styles, hence, it is important that you familiarize yourself with each model so that you can make the right decision. A manual log splitter is suitable when you have small volumes of wood, however, it requires a lot of time and effort. Electronic powered splitters are environmentally friendly and they can be used at home while gas log splitters are suitable for industrial use because they have more power, however, they emit harmful fumes. Hence, analyze the pros and cons of each machine and choose one that suits you best.

In addition, you will need to choose between a horizontal splitter and a vertical log splitter. The horizontal type is smaller and less expensive compared to the vertical splitter. Vertical log splitters are suitable for industrial use because they can split larger size an volumes and they occupy a lot of space.

Be sure to purchase your machine form a highly recognized company that is known for its quality products. Visit their website and find out what other customers think about the quality of their log splitters. If they have positive reviews, then it is a good sign that they are reputable.

Choose a model that is portable to make transportation easy. Also, if your work is to cut woods, you want a machine that you can easily transport when the need arises. Your log splitter should have a fast cycle time which is the time required to complete the job.

In addition, you want a machine that has safety features that will protect you when you are operating the machine. Finally compare the prices without compromising the quality, then make a smart buying decision.

Lessons Learned from Years with Sales

Lessons Learned About Logs
