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Helpful Information About Some of Marijuana’s Medical Benefits

Over the course of the last few years, marijuana has become a hot-button topic, both in political realms and in popular culture. Since you chose to open this article, you clearly have an interest in learning more about marijuana, at least on some level. Regardless of which side of the marijuana argument you most closely align with, it is critical to be well educated so you can have intelligent discussions with people whose opinions mirror your own and with people who think differently.

In this particular guide, you will learn more about a selection of the medical benefits that marijuana is known to have in certain cases. Bear in mind that you don’t have to be in agreement with everything in these sorts of guides to learn from what they have to say. Hopefully by the time you reach the final paragraph, you will know more about marijuana than you do right now.

It Can Be Used As Treatment For Glaucoma
Overwhelmed by the Complexity of Resources? This May Help

Glaucoma is an eye condition that increases pressure in the eyeball, ultimately damaging the optic nerve irreparably and leading to blindness. There are treatment options for people who have glaucoma, but some are incredibly invasive and others do not work for every patient. In some studies, marijuana has been linked to lowered pressure in the eyeball, slowing down glaucoma’s progression and either delaying or stopping blindness from setting-in.
What Has Changed Recently With Options?

It Can Have a Positive Effect on Epileptics

Those who have epilepsy often struggle with leading normal, everyday lives; if their epileptic seizures happen to be particularly frequent or severe, they might even have to stay home the vast majority of the time. University scientists have been performing studies how marijuana affects epileptic rats and, to this point, have been pleased with the level of success they’ve had. In one specific study, marijuana extract helped the rats go around ten hours without having any seizures.

It May Be Able to Stop Cancer From Spreading

It bears noting that marijuana is not being labeled as a cure-all for cancer. It has, however, in certain studies, been shown to halt the spread of the disease due to the fact that it turns off a particular gene in cancer cells. There is certainly reason to do much more research in this field, but it’s something cancer patients shouldn’t hesitate to talk to their doctors about. Cancer patients have used marijuana to deal with the nausea that can come with chemotherapy for years, so the odds are good that the drug might’ve already come up in discussion before.

It Can Be Used to Treat Chronic Pain

People who suffer from chronic pain, such as that caused by rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis, can benefit from marijuana.
