News For This Month: Health

The Reason Why Employee Become Sick Due To Lack of Appreciation

The place of work is where many people spend their time most.Accordingly, it is vital that all employees need to feel valued and appreciated in what they are doing.However, the survey taken suggests that a great number of employees never receive the recognition in any way even though they work hard.

Employees like working in an environment that they will be happy with and better for their health.The reason behind this is that when the staffs are happy, the productivity also becomes high. Thus when the employees lack recognition, they end up feeling unmotivated, and many get sick.

Due to many hours are taken by employees seated while doing the work, their posture sometimes may be affected.However, due to suffering from underappreciated may end up slouching. However, from the employee’s physical reflection you can learn their inner thoughts. When you ensure taking a moment with the kind of employee who has slouch you can end up brightening their day. By so doing, you may improve their working morale together with their overall view of their working place.

Exercise is very important to human being, but many employees never get time to experience it in their day to day. However, after having many works to be done they end up becoming inactive again more weight. The unappreciated feeling can make the employee seat in one place and avoid moving anywhere. In addition, instead of having their lunch with their colleagues they might seat at their desk having many thoughts. Additionally, other people when they feel stressed they eat more. Thus, instead of eating healthy meals, many employees due to stress eat snack and thus gain more weight.

Additionally, when employee feels unappreciated they may end up having the desire to stand out toward his or her own job, which they may overwork. This trend of standing out on yourself and work extra many look very productive as well as beneficial but eventually can be very harmful.This will however cause additional stress to the one who is unappreciated and can force employee’s workaholic to have to neglect of their health toward finishing the assignment.

Appreciation of staff enable the productivity and morale of employees to go up and thus very vital for employers to exercise the appreciation always to their workers. When the employer give incentives to their workers, the morale goes high and thus whoever lacks the award put more effort to receive in the next appraisal time. Again, the employees should produce more to encourage their employers to award them due to the higher profit margin as a result of high productivity. After the appreciation of the employee, the clients will also notice the productivity in the standard of working performance.
